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62037: Routine at F255
Used by the routine at 62526.
62037 LD A,B Jump to 62050 if B is equal to 0.
62038 CP 0
62040 JR Z,62050
62042 CP 64 Jump to 62050 if B is equal to 64.
62044 JR Z,62050
62046 CP 32 Jump to 62054 if B is not equal to 32.
62048 JR NZ,62054
62050 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
62051 JP 58194 Jump to 58194.
62054 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2.
62056 RLCA RLCA.
62057 RLCA
62058 BIT 7,B Jump to 62070 if bit 7 of B is not set.
62060 JR Z,62070
62062 INC A Increment A by one.
62063 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
62064 LD HL,55353 Set bit 0 of *55353.
62067 SET 0,(HL)
62069 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
62070 LD (59233),A Write A to *59233.
62073 LD A,(55340) Write *55340 to *59229.
62076 LD (59229),A
62079 LD A,(55341) Write *55341 to *59230.
62082 LD (59230),A
62085 RET Return.
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