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62086: Routine at F286
Used by the routine at 61744.
62086 CP D Jump to 62099 if A is not equal to D.
62087 JR NZ,62099
62089 LD A,C Compare C with 22.
62090 CP 22
62092 POP IY Restore IY from the stack.
62094 JR Z,62112 Jump to 62112 if C was equal to 22.
62096 JP 62025 Jump to 62025.
62099 LD A,C Return if C is not equal to D.
62100 CP D
62101 RET NZ
62102 LD A,(58055) Compare *Item_ID with 22.
62105 CP 22
62107 POP IY Restore IY from the stack.
62109 JP NZ,62025 Jump to 62025 if *Item_ID was not equal to 22.
62112 LD A,0 Write 0 to *Item_ID.
62114 LD (58055),A
62117 LD A,D A=D.
62118 CALL 55710 Call 55710.
62121 LD A,80 A=80.
62123 JP 61974 Jump to 61974.
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