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A61D: Handler: Time Out
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
Fetch the active player.
Handler_TimeOut A61D LD HL,($AB7E) HL=*ActivePlayer.
Action, decrease the active players lives by one.
A620 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
Is the player out of lives?
A621 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
This is why A97D can't be altered on its own to set higher staring lives.
A622 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
A624 JR Z,Handler_Fired Jump to Handler_Fired if is zero.
A626 CALL Print_YoureFired Call Print_YoureFired.
A629 CALL PressAnyKey Call PressAnyKey.
A62C JR SwitchPlayers Jump to SwitchPlayers.
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