Prev: B0A1 Up: Map Next: B123
B0EA: Create Play Window
Used by the routine at StartGame.
Play_Window B0EA LD HL,$4000 Write 00 to 1800 bytes starting from 4000.
B0ED LD (HL),$00
B0EF LD DE,$4001
B0F2 LD BC,$17FF
Paint the top two lines INK: BLACK, PAPER: YELLOW .
B0F7 LD HL,$5800 HL=5800.
B0FA CALL PaintYellow Call PaintYellow.
Paint the bottom two lines INK: BLACK, PAPER: YELLOW .
B100 CALL PaintYellow Call PaintYellow.
B103 LD A,$06 Set the border to YELLOW.
B105 OUT ($FE),A
Print "Score".
B107 LD DE,$4001 DE=4001 (screen buffer location).
B10A LD HL,$C1F5 HL=Messaging_Score.
B10D CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Print "Bonus".
B110 LD DE,$401A DE=401A (screen buffer location).
B113 LD HL,$C1EF HL=Messaging_Bonus.
B116 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Prints the road name.
B119 LD DE,$4009 DE=4009 (screen buffer location).
B11C LD HL,$C280 HL=Messaging_RoadName.
B11F CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
B122 RET Return.
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