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CB0A: Print Bonus/ Score
Used by the routine at StartGame.
Print the current "Bonus" value.
Print_Bonus CB0A LD B,$02 B=02 (counter).
CB0C LD DE,$403B DE=403B (screen buffer location).
CB0F LD HL,$C272 HL=Time_Remaining.
Work backwards.
CB12 INC HL Increment HL by one.
CB13 CALL PrintNumbers Call PrintNumbers.
Print the current score.
CB16 LD DE,$4020 DE=4020 (screen buffer location).
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_NewsFlash.
Print_Score CB19 LD B,$03 B=03 (counter).
CB1B LD HL,$CB98 HL=CB98 (last digit of ActivePlayer_Score).
CB1E CALL PrintNumbers Call PrintNumbers.
CB21 RET Return.
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