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43423: Finished Street
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
FinishedStreet 43423 CALL BlankMiddleScreenBuffer Call BlankMiddleScreenBuffer.
43426 CALL BlankMiddleAttributeBuffer Call BlankMiddleAttributeBuffer.
Print "Good days work there, Trashman".
43429 LD HL,44440 HL=Messaging_FinishedStreet_1.
43432 LD DE,18496 DE=18496 (screen buffer location).
43435 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
43438 LD HL,43914 HL=Game_Flags.
Who is in play, is it 1UP or 2UP?
43441 BIT 4,(HL) Test bit 4 of *HL.
Default to using the 1UP name.
43443 LD HL,44198 HL=Name_1UP.
43446 JR Z,FinishedStreet_Print Jump to FinishedStreet_Print if this is player one.
Else, use the name for 2UP.
43448 LD HL,44231 HL=Name_2UP.
FinishedStreet_Print 43451 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
Overwrite the ")" from the players name string.
43454 DEC DE Decrease DE by one.
Print the "Tomorrow we've another street for you." messaging.
43455 LD HL,44473 HL=Messaging_FinishedStreet_2.
43458 CALL PrintString Call PrintString.
This entry point is used by the routines at GameEntryPoint and Handler_Fired.
CopyScore_ActiveScore 43461 LD DE,(43902) DE=*ActivePlayer.
43465 INC DE Move to where the scores are held:
43466 INC DE
43467 LD HL,52118 HL=ActivePlayer_Score.
Scores are held using three bytes.
43470 LD BC,3 BC=0003.
43473 LDIR Copy the three score digits for the current player into the active players score location.
43475 RET Return.
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