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42542: Handler: Fired
Used by the routine at Handler_TimeOut.
Handler_Fired 42542 CALL CopyScore_ActiveScore Call CopyScore_ActiveScore.
42545 CALL NewHighScore Call NewHighScore.
42548 CALL FiredScreen Call FiredScreen.
42551 CALL PressAnyKey Call PressAnyKey.
Who is in play, is it 1UP or 2UP?
Handler_Fired_PlayerCheck 42554 LD HL,43914 HL=Game_Flags.
42557 BIT 4,(HL) Jump to Handler_Fired_2UP if this is player two.
42559 JR NZ,Handler_Fired_2UP
42561 RES 6,(HL) Reset bit 6 of *HL.
42563 JR Handler_Fired_HighScoreCheck Jump to Handler_Fired_HighScoreCheck.
Handler_Fired_2UP 42565 RES 7,(HL) Reset bit 7 of *HL.
Handler_Fired_HighScoreCheck 42567 BIT 0,(HL) Jump to Handler_Fired_HighScore if the score is on the High Score table.
42569 JR NZ,Handler_Fired_HighScore
42571 CALL Handler_SwitchPlayers Call Handler_SwitchPlayers.
42574 JP C,NewLevel Jump to NewLevel if there is still an active player.
42577 CALL Print_HighScoreTable Call Print_HighScoreTable.
42580 CALL PressAnyKey Call PressAnyKey.
42583 JR Handler_Fired_BackToMenu Jump to Handler_Fired_BackToMenu.
Handler_Fired_HighScore 42585 CALL Print_HighScoreTable Call Print_HighScoreTable.
42588 CALL PressAnyKey Call PressAnyKey.
42591 CALL Handler_SwitchPlayers Call Handler_SwitchPlayers.
42594 JP C,NewLevel Jump to NewLevel if there is still an active player.
42597 JR Handler_Fired_BackToMenu Jump to Handler_Fired_BackToMenu.
This entry point is used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
Handler_Fired_0 42599 CALL CopyScore_ActiveScore Call CopyScore_ActiveScore.
42602 CALL NewHighScore Call NewHighScore.
42605 CALL Handler_NewsFlash Call Handler_NewsFlash.
42608 JR Handler_Fired_PlayerCheck Jump to Handler_Fired_PlayerCheck.
Handler_Fired_BackToMenu 42610 JP Game_Loop Jump to Game_Loop.
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