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45355: Routine at B12B
Used by the routine at StartGame.
45355 LD HL,45382 HL=45382.
45358 DEC (HL) Decrease *HL by one.
45359 LD A,(50054) A=*50054.
45362 JR NZ,45376 Jump to 45376 if is not zero.
45364 BIT 4,A Test bit 4 of A.
45366 LD (HL),2 Write 2 to *HL.
45368 JR NZ,45372 Jump to 45372 if bit 4 of A is set.
45370 LD (HL),25 Write 25 to *HL.
45372 CALL Handler_Time Call Handler_Time.
45375 RET Return.
45376 BIT 4,A Return if bit 4 of A is not set.
45378 RET Z
45379 LD (HL),1 Write 1 to *HL.
45381 RET Return.
45382 DEFB 25
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