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45217: Start Game
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
Write 50037 to *49783.
StartGame 45217 LD HL,50061 HL=50061.
45220 LD DE,65512 DE=65512.
45223 ADD HL,DE HL+=DE.
45224 LD (49783),HL Write HL to *49783.
45227 CALL Play_Window Call Play_Window.
45230 CALL 47926 Call 47926.
45233 LD IX,50030 IX=50030.
45237 LD B,(IX+19) B=*IX+19.
45240 CALL 46481 Call 46481.
This entry point is used by the routine at 46481.
GameLoop 45243 CALL 52124 Call 52124.
45246 CALL 46154 Call 46154.
45249 CALL 48311 Call 48311.
45252 CALL 46102 Call 46102.
45255 CALL 46064 Call 46064.
45258 CALL Print_Bonus Call Print_Bonus.
45261 CALL 48976 Call 48976.
45264 CALL 46884 Call 46884.
45267 CALL 49132 Call 49132.
45270 CALL 48456 Call 48456.
45273 CALL 48397 Call 48397.
45276 CALL 47837 Call 47837.
45279 CALL 48521 Call 48521.
45282 CALL 47987 Call 47987.
45285 CALL 45355 Call 45355.
45288 JR GameLoop Jump to GameLoop.
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