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49484: Routine at C14C
Used by the routine at 49132.
49484 BIT 7,(IX+7) Test bit 7 of *IX+7.
49488 LD HL,50060 HL=50060.
49491 JR NZ,49498 Jump to 49498 if bit 7 of *IX+7 is set.
49493 LD A,32 A=32.
49495 LD C,(HL) C=*HL.
49496 JR 49501 Jump to 49501.
49498 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
49499 LD C,32 C=32.
49501 CP (IX+0) Return if A is not equal to *IX+0.
49504 RET NZ
49505 LD (IX+0),C Write C to *IX+0.
49508 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
49510 CALL 49613 Call 49613.
49513 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
49515 LD A,(49637) A=*49637.
49518 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
49520 JR NZ,49524 Jump to 49524 if A is not zero.
49522 ADD A,2 A+=2.
49524 LD (IX+8),A Write A to *IX+8.
49527 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routine at 49132.
49528 LD HL,50060 HL=50060.
49531 LD A,(HL) A=*HL.
49532 SUB 32 A-=32.
49534 LD B,A B=A.
49535 LD A,(IX+0) A=*IX+0.
49538 BIT 7,(IX+7) Jump to 49558 if bit 7 of *IX+7 is not set.
49542 JR Z,49558
49544 SUB 6 A-=6.
49546 CP 32 Jump to 49568 if A is lower than 32.
49548 JR C,49568
49550 CP (HL) Compare A with *HL.
49551 JR Z,49555 Jump to 49555 if {} is zero.
49553 JR NC,49568 Jump to 49568 if {} is higher.
49555 SUB B A-=B.
49556 JR 49568 Jump to 49568.
49558 ADD A,6 A+=6.
49560 CP 32 Jump to 49568 if A is lower than 32.
49562 JR C,49568
49564 CP (HL) Jump to 49568 if A is higher than *HL.
49565 JR NC,49568
49567 ADD A,B A+=B.
49568 LD L,(IX+1) L=*IX+1.
49571 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
49573 LD IX,49811 IX=49811.
49577 LD B,4 B=4 (counter).
49579 LD DE,13 DE=0013.
49582 CP (IX+0) Jump to 49594 if A with *IX+0 is zero.
49585 JR Z,49594
49587 ADD IX,DE IX+=DE.
49589 DJNZ 49582 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 49582 until counter is zero.
49591 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
49593 RET Return.
49594 LD C,A C=A.
49595 LD A,(IX+1) A=*IX+1.
49598 XOR L Reset the bits from L.
49599 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
49601 LD A,C A=C.
49602 JR NZ,49587 Jump to 49587 if {} is not zero.
49604 LD A,(IX+8) A=*IX+8.
49607 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
49609 LD (IX+8),A Write A to *IX+8.
49612 RET Return.
This entry point is used by the routines at 46884, 49055 and 52124.
49613 LD IX,49637 IX=49637.
49617 RR (IX+1) Rotate *IX+1 right.
49621 BIT 4,(IX+0) Jump to 49628 if bit 4 of *IX+0 is zero.
49625 JR Z,49628
49627 CCF Invert the carry flag.
49628 RL (IX+0) Rotate *IX+0 left.
49632 RL (IX+1) Rotate *IX+1 left.
49636 RET Return.
49637 DEFB 1,0
49639 DEFB 1,0,32,0,255,255,224,255
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