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49055: Routine at BF9F
Used by the routine at 48976.
49055 LD E,66 E=66.
49057 LD BC,0 BC=0000.
49060 INC B Increment B by one.
49061 BIT 4,B Return if bit 4 of B is set.
49063 RET NZ
49064 PUSH BC Stash BC, DE and BC on the stack.
49065 PUSH DE
49066 PUSH BC
49067 LD IX,50030 IX=50030.
49071 LD (IX+18),E Write E to *IX+18.
49074 CALL 46102 Call 46102.
49077 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
49078 LD HL,52285 HL=52285.
49081 CALL 49613 Call 49613.
49084 LD A,(49637) A=*49637.
49087 AND %00011000 Keep only bits 3-4.
49089 OR C Set the bits from C.
49090 OUT (254),A OUT 254
49092 LD E,B E=B.
49093 SLA E Shift E left (with carry).
49095 SLA E Shift E left (with carry).
49097 LD D,0 D=0.
49099 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
49100 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
49102 LD DE,65535 DE=65535.
49105 ADD IX,DE IX+=DE.
49107 BIT 7,(HL) Jump to 49115 if bit 7 of *HL is set.
49109 JR NZ,49115
49111 JR C,49105 Jump to 49105 if {} is lower.
49113 JR 49081 Jump to 49081.
49115 RES 7,(HL) Reset bit 7 of *HL.
49117 POP DE Restore DE from the stack.
49118 DJNZ 49065 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 49065 until counter is zero.
49120 LD A,5 A=5.
49122 XOR E Reset the bits from E.
49123 LD E,A E=A.
49124 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
49125 LD A,6 A=6.
49127 XOR C Reset the bits from C.
49128 LD C,A C=A.
49129 JR 49060 Jump to 49060.
49131 RET Return.
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