Prev: 8146 Up: Map Next: 81D4
81B3: Flash Location Map Points
Used by the routine at 8055.
Starting with the first location, London.
FlashLocationMapPoints 81B3 LD IX,$8E82 IX=London_Location.
81B7 LD B,$0E Set a counter in B for the total number of locations (0E).
FlashLocationMapPoints_Loop 81B9 PUSH BC Stash the locations count on the stack.
81BA LD L,(IX+$02) Load the map co-ordinates for the current location into HL.
81BD LD H,(IX+$03)
81C0 CALL ToggleMapPoint Call ToggleMapPoint.
81C3 LD DE,$0016 Add 0016 to IX which is a safe place to land to find the next location.
All locations end with the string for the location name, so now move through the string to find the terminating bit. This is necessary as the location names have varying lengths.
CheckTerminator_Loop 81C8 BIT 7,(IX+$00) Test bit 7 of *IX+00.
81CC INC IX Increment IX by one.
81CE JR Z,CheckTerminator_Loop Keep jumping back to CheckTerminator_Loop until the terminating bit 7 is found.
81D0 POP BC Restore the locations count from the stack.
81D1 DJNZ FlashLocationMapPoints_Loop Decrease the locations count by one and loop back to FlashLocationMapPoints_Loop until locations have been processed.
81D3 RET Return.
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