Prev: 803A Up: Map Next: 8079
8055: Routine at 8055
8055 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
8056 CALL $8079 Call 8079.
8059 CALL Handler_Ticker Call Handler_Ticker.
805C CALL Handler_DebounceSpace Call Handler_DebounceSpace.
805F LD A,($EFFC) A=*EFFC.
8062 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2.
8064 JR Z,$8072 Jump to 8072 if the result is zero.
8066 CP $04 Jump to 8075 if A is not equal to 04.
8068 JR NZ,$8075
806A LD HL,($7805) HL=*CurrentLocationCoordinates.
806D CALL ToggleMapPoint Call ToggleMapPoint.
8070 JR $8075 Jump to 8075.
8072 CALL FlashLocationMapPoints Call FlashLocationMapPoints.
8075 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
8076 DJNZ $8055 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 8055 until counter is zero.
8078 RET Return.
Prev: 803A Up: Map Next: 8079