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85CE: Toggle Players
Used by the routines at Select1Or2PlayerGame and Handler_SubGame.
Switch the active player.
Toggle_Players 85CE LD HL,($EFF2) Store *Pointer_ActivePlayer in HL for the comparison.
Start with comparing against 1UP.
85D1 LD DE,$8C28 DE=1UP_Name.
85D4 AND A If the currently active player is not 1UP then jump to Set_Active_Player (which will then set it to 1UP).
85D7 JR NZ,Set_Active_Player
Else, set the active player to 2UP.
85D9 LD DE,$8C38 DE=2UP_Name.
Sets the active player to *Pointer_ActivePlayer.
Set_Active_Player 85DC LD ($EFF2),DE Write DE to *Pointer_ActivePlayer.
85E0 LD HL,$000F Move HL 000F bytes to point to the active player state.
85E4 BIT 7,(HL) Test bit 7 of *HL.
85E6 RET Return.
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