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84D5: Select 1 Or 2 Player Game
Used by the routine at GameInitialise.
Select1Or2PlayerGame 84D5 CALL ClearBottomScreenArea Call ClearBottomScreenArea.
Prints "Visa Application".
84D8 LD HL,$8BC3 HL=Messaging_VisaApplication.
84DB LD DE,$504A DE=504A (screen buffer location).
84DE CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
84E1 LD HL,$506A HL=506A (screen buffer location).
84E4 LD B,$10 Underline the header with 10 character blocks of FF.
84E6 CALL Underline
Prints "form no. 594/627Y/60X".
84E9 LD HL,$8BD3 HL=Messaging_FormNo.
84EC LD DE,$50E7 DE=50E7 (screen buffer location).
84EF CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
Get the 1UP players name.
84F2 LD HL,$8C28 Write 1UP_Name to *Pointer_ActivePlayer.
84F5 LD ($EFF2),HL
84F8 CALL PlayerNameInput Call PlayerNameInput.
84FB LD HL,$EFFB Write 00000000 to *GameState_2 to set this as a 1UP only game.
84FE LD (HL),$00
Prints "Another form reqd?".
8500 LD HL,$8BFE HL=Messaging_AnotherForm.
8503 LD DE,$5088 DE=5088 (screen buffer location).
8506 CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
8509 CALL Select_Yes/No Call Select_Yes/No.
850C RET NC Return if this is only a 1 player game.
There is a 2UP player! Get their name and set *GameState_2 accordingly.
850D CALL Toggle_Players Call Toggle_Players.
8510 CALL PlayerNameInput Call PlayerNameInput.
8513 LD HL,$EFFB Write 00100000 to *GameState_2 to set this as a 2 player game.
8516 LD (HL),$20
8518 RET Return.
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