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8600: Print Header
Used by the routines at GameInitialise and Handler_SubGame.
Prints "Score Trashman Cash".
Print_Header 8600 LD HL,$8C48 HL=Messaging_Header.
8603 LD DE,$4001 DE=4001 (screen buffer location).
8606 CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
Prints the name of the current player.
8609 LD HL,($EFF2) HL=*Pointer_ActivePlayer.
860C LD DE,$4011 DE=4011 (screen buffer location).
860F CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
Prints the players score.
8612 LD DE,$0004 HL+=0004.
8615 ADD HL,DE
8616 LD DE,$4021 DE=4021 (screen buffer location).
8619 LD BC,$0203 BC=0203.
861C CALL PrintNumbers Call PrintNumbers.
Prints "in".
861F LD HL,$8C66 HL=Messaging_In.
8622 LD DE,$4029 DE=4029 (screen buffer location).
8625 CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
Prepare to fetch and print the location name.
8628 LD IX,($EFF2) IX=Pointer_ActivePlayer.
862C LD L,(IX+$08) L=*IX+08.
862F LD H,(IX+$09) H=*IX+09.
8632 INC HL Increment HL by two.
8633 INC HL
8634 LD E,(HL) E=*HL.
8635 INC HL Increment HL by one.
8636 LD D,(HL) D=*HL.
8637 LD ($7805),DE Write DE to *CurrentLocationCoordinates.
Point HL to the location name, and print it.
863B LD DE,$000E HL+=000E.
863F LD DE,$402B DE=402B (screen buffer location).
8642 CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
8645 LD A,$3A A=3A.
8647 SUB E A-=E.
8648 JR Z,Print_CashRemaining Jump to Print_CashRemaining if HL is zero.
864A EX DE,HL Exchange the DE and HL registers.
864B LD C,A C=A.
864C CALL ClearScreenArea Call ClearScreenArea.
Prints "£".
Print_CashRemaining 864F LD DE,$403A DE=403A (screen buffer location).
8652 LD HL,$8C26 HL=Messaging_£.
8655 CALL Print_String Call Print_String.
Prints the amount of cash remaining for the active player.
8658 LD HL,($EFF2) HL=*Pointer_ActivePlayer.
865B LD BC,$000E HL+=000E.
865F LD BC,$0202 BC=0202.
8662 CALL PrintNumbers Call PrintNumbers.
8665 RET Return.
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