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8003: Game Loop
Used by the routine at GameEntryPoint.
GameInitialise 8003 CALL Print_WorldMap Call Print_WorldMap.
8006 LD HL,$EFFF Write 01 to *EFFF.
8009 LD (HL),$01
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_DebounceSpace.
RestartGame 800B LD SP,($5C4B) SP=*VARS.
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_SubGame.
ShowMenu 800F CALL ClearMenuScreenAreas Call ClearMenuScreenAreas.
8012 LD HL,($8E84) Write *London_MapCoordinates to *CurrentLocationCoordinates.
8015 LD ($7805),HL
8018 LD A,$00 Write 00 to:
801A LD ($EFFA),A
801D LD ($EFFB),A
8020 CALL GameMenu Call GameMenu.
8023 CALL Select1Or2PlayerGame Call Select1Or2PlayerGame.
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_SubGame.
NewGame 8026 CALL Initialise_NewGame Call Initialise_NewGame.
8029 CALL Initialise_LocationStates Call Initialise_LocationStates.
This entry point is used by the routine at Handler_SubGame.
GameLoop 802C CALL Print_Header Call Print_Header.
802F CALL ChooseLocationOrTakeJob Call ChooseLocationOrTakeJob.
8032 CALL Handler_LocationChoice Call Handler_LocationChoice.
8035 CALL Handler_FlightPath Call Handler_FlightPath.
8038 JR GameLoop Jump to GameLoop.
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