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32382: Process Action
Used by the routine at MainLoop.
ProcessAction 32382 PUSH HL
ProcessAction_0 32383 LD HL,32486
ProcessAction_1 32386 LD C,(IX+0)
This entry point is used by the routine at SetKeyPositions.
ProcessAction_2 32389 LD B,0
32391 SLA C
32393 RL B
32395 ADD HL,BC
32396 LD A,(HL)
32397 INC HL
32398 LD H,(HL)
32399 LD L,A
32400 JP 23728
This entry point is used by the routine at DrawRoom.
ProcessAction_3 32403 LD BC,32309
32406 PUSH BC
32407 LD BC,30077
32410 AND A
32411 SBC HL,BC
32413 PUSH HL
32414 POP IX
32416 LD A,(60049)
32419 CP (IX+1)
32422 JR Z,ProcessAction_4
32424 LD BC,8
32427 ADD IX,BC
ProcessAction_4 32429 LD HL,32810
32432 JR ProcessAction_1
This entry point is used by the routine at MainLoop.
ProcessAction_5 32434 DI
32435 PUSH IX
32437 LD A,1
32439 LD (24068),A
32442 LD IX,60048
ProcessAction_6 32446 LD HL,32453
32449 PUSH HL
32450 JP ProcessAction_0
32453 LD DE,8
32456 ADD IX,DE
32458 PUSH IX
32460 POP HL
32461 LD DE,60072
32464 AND A
32465 SBC HL,DE
32467 JR C,ProcessAction_6
32469 CALL ClockTick
32472 LD A,(23672)
32475 LD (24067),A
32478 XOR A
32479 LD (24068),A
32482 POP IX
32484 EI
32485 RET
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