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33264: Handler: Fireball
HandlerFireball 33264 CALL StoreEntity Call StoreEntity to prepare for the mask.
33267 LD A,(IX+0) Grab the current frame and increment it by one.
33270 INC A
33271 AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-2 (there are 8 animation frames).
33273 ADD A,52 Add 52 to point to the correct frame/ sprite ID (the fireball base sprite ID is: 52).
33275 LD (IX+0),A Write the new frame/ sprite ID back to the entity.
33278 LD A,(23672) A=FRAMES.
33281 RLA
33282 AND %00000010 Keep only bit 1.
33284 ADD A,69
33286 LD (IX+5),A
Continue on to HandlerWeapon.
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