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33475: Sword Direction
Used by the routine at HandlerSword.
Set the sword direction to match the players direction.
SwordDirection 33475 LD C,0 C=0 (down).
33477 LD A,(HL) If the byte at HL is zero then jump to SwordDirection_3.
33478 AND A
33479 JR Z,SwordDirection_3
33481 JP P,SwordDirection_0
33484 LD C,4 C=4 (up).
SwordDirection_0 33486 DEC HL
33487 LD A,(HL)
33488 AND A
33489 JR Z,SwordDirection_1
33491 JP P,SwordDirection_2
33494 DEC C
SwordDirection_1 33495 LD A,C
33496 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2 (there are 8 animation frames).
33498 ADD A,56 Add 56 to point to the correct frame/ sprite ID (the sword base sprite ID is: 56).
33500 LD HL,60056 Write the new frame/ sprite ID back to PlayerWeapon.
33503 LD (HL),A
33504 RET Return.
SwordDirection_2 33505 INC C
33506 JR SwordDirection_1 Jump to SwordDirection_1.
SwordDirection_3 33508 DEC HL
33509 BIT 7,(HL)
33511 JR Z,SwordDirection_4
33513 LD C,6 C=6 (left).
33515 JR SwordDirection_1 Jump to SwordDirection_1.
SwordDirection_4 33517 LD C,2 C=2 (right).
33519 JR SwordDirection_1 Jump to SwordDirection_1.
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