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35893: Game Over
Used by the routine at HandlerKnight.
GameOver 35893 CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
35896 LD HL,48716 Write MainFont to FontPointer.
35899 LD (24065),HL
Handle printing "Game Over" messaging.
35902 LD HL,12352 HL=12352 (screen buffer location).
35905 LD DE,35929 DE=StringGameOver.
35908 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle printing the game statistics.
35911 CALL GameStats Call GameStats.
Provide a pause for us to reflect that the game has now ended.
GameOverDelay 35914 LD B,20 B=20.
35916 LD HL,0 HL=0000.
From HL being set above (and for each loop), decrementing 0000 by one gives 65535.
GameOverDelay_Loop 35919 DEC HL Decrease HL by one.
35920 LD A,H Loop back to GameOverDelay_Loop until HL is zero.
35921 OR L
35922 JR NZ,GameOverDelay_Loop
35924 DJNZ GameOverDelay_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to GameOverDelay_Loop until counter is zero.
35926 JP Game_Restart Jump to Game_Restart.
"Game Over" messaging.
StringGameOver 35929 DEFM 71 Attribute: 71 + "GAME OVER".
35930 DEFM "GAME OVE","R"+128
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