Prev: 37935 Up: Map Next: 38025
37955: Prepare Player
Used by the routines at StartGame and HandlerFoodItem.
Work out the sprite ID to use.
Byte Character * 2 Only Bits 4-5 + 8
0 Knight (+ Keyboard) 0 0 Sprite ID: 8
8 Wizard (+ Kempston Joystick) 16 16 Sprite ID: 24
20 Serf (+ Cursor Joystick) 40 32 Sprite ID: 40
PreparePlayer 37955 LD A,(24064) A=GameOptions * 2.
37958 RLCA
37959 AND %00110000 Keep only bits 4-5 (the base character address) + 8 frames (for the character direction).
37961 ADD A,8
37963 LD (38024),A Write A to 38024.
Update the current room.
37966 LD A,(60049) Write PlayerRoom to 38018.
37969 LD (38018),A
37972 LD HL,38017 Copy 8 bytes of data from 38017 to Player.
37975 LD DE,60048
37978 LD BC,8
37981 LDIR
37983 LD A,104
37985 LD (24124),A
37988 LD A,(24097)
37991 CP 3
37993 JR Z,PreparePlayer_Energy
37995 PUSH IX
37997 LD IX,60048
38001 CALL DrawEntity Call DrawEntity.
38004 POP IX
Set starting energy.
PreparePlayer_Energy 38006 LD A,240 Write 240 to PlayerEnergy.
38008 LD (24104),A
38011 CALL DrawChicken Call DrawChicken.
38014 JP DrawLives Jump to DrawLives.
38017 DEFB 102,0,0,96,104,71,255,0
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