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38575: Visit Room
Used by the routine at EnterRoom.
A The room ID
Create an offset in BC.
VisitRoom 38575 LD C,A C=A.
38576 SRL C Divide by 8.
38578 SRL C
38580 SRL C
38582 LD B,0 B=0.
38584 LD HL,24128 HL=VisitedRooms + BC.
38587 ADD HL,BC
38588 RLCA Multiply by 8.
38589 RLCA
38590 RLCA
38591 AND %00111000 Keep only bits 3-5.
38593 OR %11000110 Set bits 1-2, 6-7.
38595 LD (38599),A Write this value to 38599 which updates the bit to set.
38598 SET 0,(HL) With above, set the bit to mark the room as having been visited.
38600 RET Return.
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