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40227: Visit Room
Used by the routines at 45359 and 45524.
VisitRoom 40227 LD A,(IX+1) C=IX+1 (current location).
40230 LD C,A
40231 RRCA
40232 RRCA
40233 RRCA
40234 AND %00011111 Keep only bits 0-4.
40236 LD L,A Create an offset in HL.
40237 LD H,0
40239 LD A,C A=IX+1 (current location).
40240 RLCA
40241 RLCA
40242 RLCA
40243 AND %00111000 Keep only bits 3-5.
40245 OR %11000110 Set bits 1-2, 6-7.
40247 LD (40255),A Write this value to 40255 which updates the bit to set.
40250 LD BC,38591 HL=VisitedRooms+BC.
40253 ADD HL,BC
40254 SET 0,(HL) With above, set the bit to mark the room as having been visited.
40256 RET Return.
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