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8C35: Game Over
Used by the routine at HandlerKnight.
GameOver 8C35 CALL ClearPlayArea Call ClearPlayArea.
8C38 LD HL,$BE4C Write MainFont to FontPointer.
8C3B LD ($5E01),HL
Handle printing "Game Over" messaging.
8C3E LD HL,$3040 HL=3040 (screen buffer location).
8C41 LD DE,$8C59 DE=StringGameOver.
8C44 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Handle printing the game statistics.
8C47 CALL GameStats Call GameStats.
Provide a pause for us to reflect that the game has now ended.
GameOverDelay 8C4A LD B,$14 B=14.
8C4C LD HL,$0000 HL=0000.
From HL being set above (and for each loop), decrementing 0000 by one gives FFFF.
GameOverDelay_Loop 8C4F DEC HL Decrease HL by one.
8C50 LD A,H Loop back to GameOverDelay_Loop until HL is zero.
8C51 OR L
8C52 JR NZ,GameOverDelay_Loop
8C54 DJNZ GameOverDelay_Loop Decrease counter by one and loop back to GameOverDelay_Loop until counter is zero.
8C56 JP Game_Restart Jump to Game_Restart.
"Game Over" messaging.
StringGameOver 8C59 DEFM $47 Attribute: 47 + "GAME OVER".
8C5A DEFM "GAME OVE","R"+$80
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