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26708: Routine at 6854
Used by the routine at 28039.
LevelStartJingle 26708 LD C,(IX+6) C=pointer to counter.
26711 INC (IX+6) Increment the counter by one.
26714 LD B,0 Create an offset from 26730 using the counter as the LSB.
26716 LD HL,26730
26719 ADD HL,BC
26720 LD D,(HL) D=fetch the next byte from 26730.
26721 LD C,8 C=8 (note counter).
LevelStartJingle_Loop 26723 CALL PlaySquareWave Call PlaySquareWave.
26726 DEC C Decrease the note counter by one.
26727 JR NZ,LevelStartJingle_Loop Keep looping back to LevelStartJingle_Loop until the note counter is zero.
26729 RET Return.
26730 DEFB 128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128
26738 DEFB 128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128
26746 DEFB 128,128,128,128,128,128,128,128
This entry point is used by the routine at GamePlayEntry.
GameStartJingle 26754 LD D,48 D=48.
26756 LD C,64 C=64.
26758 JR LevelStartJingle_Loop Jump to LevelStartJingle_Loop.
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