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28744: Game Play Entry
GamePlayEntry 28744 LD HL,24357 If GameDelayTimer is zero, jump to GamePlay_Start.
28747 LD A,(HL)
28748 AND A
28749 JR Z,GamePlay_Start
28751 DEC (HL) Decrement GameDelayTimer by one.
28752 JR NZ,ScoreLabelFlash Jump to ScoreLabelFlash if the delay timer is still active.
28754 LD A,(24353) If ActivePlayer says this is a 2UP game, jump to Game2UP_UnsetFlash.
28757 AND A
28758 JR NZ,Game2UP_UnsetFlash
Handle turning off flash for 1UP score label.
28760 LD HL,24 HL=000,024 (position of the 1UP score label).
Game_UnsetFlash 28763 CALL UnsetFlashText Call UnsetFlashText.
28766 CALL 30231 Call 30231.
28769 CALL GameStartJingle Call GameStartJingle.
28772 JR GamePlay_Start Jump to GamePlay_Start.
Handle turning off flash for 2UP score label.
Game2UP_UnsetFlash 28774 LD HL,216 HL=000,216 (position of the 2UP score label).
28777 JR Game_UnsetFlash Jump to Game_UnsetFlash.
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