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24797: Reset Player
Used by the routine at AnimateExplosion.
PlayerReset 24797 LD HL,23880
24800 LD B,10
24802 CALL SetObjsInactive
24805 LD HL,23868
24808 RES 1,(HL)
24810 LD HL,23876
24813 RES 1,(HL)
24815 LD A,(23795)
24818 AND 1
24820 JR NZ,PlayerReset_1
PlayerReset_0 24822 LD A,(24049)
24825 AND A
24826 JP Z,PlayerReset_7
24829 CALL LevelInitialisation
24832 JP PlayerInitialisation
PlayerReset_1 24835 LD A,(24057) A=InactivePlayer_Lives
24838 AND A
24839 JR Z,PlayerReset_0
24841 LD A,(24049)
24844 AND A
24845 CALL Z,PlayerReset_6
24848 CALL ChangePlayer
24851 LD A,(24017)
24854 CPL
24855 LD (24017),A
24858 LD A,(23860)
24861 RLCA
24862 RLCA
24863 RLCA
24864 AND 56
24866 CALL MeteorUpdate_23
24869 CALL LevelInitialisation
24872 JP PlayerInitialisation
PlayerReset_2 24875 LD A,177
PlayerReset_3 24877 LD (24985),A
24880 CALL CreateWindow
24883 LD DE,24967
24886 LD HL,28728
24889 CALL PrintString
24892 LD B,4
24894 LD HL,0
PlayerReset_4 24897 DEC HL
24898 LD A,H
24899 OR L
24900 JR NZ,PlayerReset_4
24902 DJNZ PlayerReset_4 Decrease B by one, jump to PlayerReset_4 if not zero
24904 RET
PlayerReset_5 24905 LD A,178
24907 JR PlayerReset_3
PlayerReset_6 24909 LD A,(24017)
24912 AND A
24913 JR Z,PlayerReset_2
24915 JR PlayerReset_5
PlayerReset_7 24917 CALL NewHighScore
24920 LD A,(24017)
24923 AND A
24924 JR NZ,PlayerReset_8
24926 CALL PlayerReset_2
24929 JP Game_Restart
PlayerReset_8 24932 CALL PlayerReset_5
24935 JP Game_Restart
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