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25067: Game Initialisation
Blank the 1UP, 2UP and HI scores.
GameInitialisation 25067 LD HL,23792 Write 0 to 10 bytes from High_Score to 23802.
25070 LD BC,2560
GameInitialisation_Loop 25073 LD (HL),C
25074 INC HL
25075 DJNZ GameInitialisation_Loop
This entry point is used by the routine at PlayerReset.
Game_Restart 25077 DI Disable interrupts.
25078 LD SP,23792 Set the stack pointer to High_Score.
25081 CALL CreateWindow Call CreateWindow.
25084 LD A,4 Write 4 to JetmanSpeedModifier.
25086 LD (24010),A
GameInitialisation_0 25089 CALL GameMenu
25092 LD A,(23795) D=GameOptions.
25095 LD D,A
25096 LD A,247 Read from the keyboard;
Port Number Bit
0 1 2 3 4
247 1 2 3 4 5
25098 OUT (253),A
25100 IN A,(254)
25102 CPL Flip the bits.
Handle 1UP selection.
25103 BIT 0,A Has key "1" been pressed? ("1 PLAYER GAME").
25105 JR Z,GameSelect_CheckP2 If not jump to GameSelect_CheckP2.
25107 RES 0,D Set player count = 1.
Handle 2UP selection.
GameSelect_CheckP2 25109 BIT 1,A Has key "2" been pressed? ("2 PLAYER GAME").
25111 JR Z,GameSelect_CheckKeyboard If not jump to GameSelect_CheckKeyboard.
25113 SET 0,D Set player count = 2.
Handle Keyboard selection.
GameSelect_CheckKeyboard 25115 BIT 2,A Has key "3" been pressed? ("3 KEYBOARD").
25117 JR Z,GameSelect_CheckKempston If not jump to GameSelect_CheckKempston.
25119 RES 1,D Set control = "keyboard".
Handle Kempston Joystick selection.
GameSelect_CheckKempston 25121 BIT 3,A Has key "4" been pressed? ("4 KEMPSTON JOYSTICK").
25123 JR Z,GameSelect_CheckStart If not jump to GameSelect_CheckStart.
25125 SET 1,D Set control = "joystick".
Handle starting a new game.
GameSelect_CheckStart 25127 BIT 4,A Has key "5" been pressed? ("5 START GAME").
25129 JP NZ,StartGame If so, jump to StartGame.
Handle flashing each selection.
25132 LD A,D
25133 LD (23795),A
25136 LD HL,25230 HL=GameSelection_Attributes+1 (i.e. ignoring "Game Selection" as it doesn't flash).
25139 LD A,(23795)
25142 LD C,A
25143 BIT 0,C
25145 JR NZ,GameInitialisation_3
25147 CALL GameInitialisation_5
GameInitialisation_1 25150 BIT 1,C
25152 JR NZ,GameInitialisation_4
25154 CALL GameInitialisation_5
GameInitialisation_2 25157 JP GameInitialisation_0
GameInitialisation_3 25160 CALL GameInitialisation_6
25163 JR GameInitialisation_1
GameInitialisation_4 25165 CALL GameInitialisation_6
25168 JR GameInitialisation_2
GameInitialisation_5 25170 SET 7,(HL)
25172 INC HL
25173 RES 7,(HL)
25175 INC HL
25176 RET
GameInitialisation_6 25177 RES 7,(HL)
25179 INC HL
25180 SET 7,(HL)
25182 INC HL
25183 RET
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