Prev: 46897 Up: Map Next: 47016
46981: Routine at B785
46981 CALL 37980 Call 37980.
46984 JR NZ,46990
46986 RES 7,(IX+8)
46990 CALL 42215 Call 42215.
46993 JR NC,47010
46995 LD (IX+8),129 Write 129 to IX+8.
46999 LD A,(24704) A=24704.
47002 OR %00000001 Set bit 0.
47004 LD (24704),A Write A to 24704.
47007 CALL 47293 Call 47293.
This entry point is used by the routines at 47036 and 47120.
47010 CALL Handler_Bomb Call Handler_Bomb.
47013 JP 43956 Jump to 43956.
Prev: 46897 Up: Map Next: 47016