Prev: 43933 Up: Map Next: 44089
43945: Routine at ABA9
Used by the routine at 44089.
43945 LD A,(IX+0) A=IX+0.
43948 INC A
43949 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
43951 ADD A,112
43953 LD (IX+0),A
This entry point is used by the routines at 41386, 41765, 41983, 42854, 44089, 44342, 45476, 45885, 45947, 46176, 46981 and 47120.
43956 CALL 34561 Call 34561.
43959 JP 34611 Jump to 34611.
43962 LD E,24 E=24.
43964 CALL 45732 Call 45732.
43967 CALL C,45783
43970 LD A,(IX+23) If IX+23 is zero, jump to 44094.
43973 AND A
43974 JR Z,44094
43976 CALL 43945 Call 43945.
43979 LD A,(24130) A=24130.
43982 CPL Flip the bits.
43983 AND %00001111 Keep only bits 0-3.
43985 RET NZ
43986 LD A,(24167) If GameDelayTimer is not zero, jump to 44005.
43989 AND A
43990 JR NZ,44005
43992 LD A,(24696) If 24696 is 129 jump to 44005.
43995 CP 129
43997 JR Z,44005
43999 DEC (IX+23)
44002 CALL Z,45423
44005 LD A,(IX+23)
44008 LD HL,8256 HL=8256.
44011 CALL DrawGauge Call DrawGauge.
44014 CALL 44342 Call 44342.
44017 JR NC,44073
44019 CALL 44299 Call 44299.
44022 LD HL,22651 HL=22651 (attribute buffer location).
44025 CALL Handler_Colour2x2 Call Handler_Colour2x2.
44028 LD HL,22653 HL=22653 (attribute buffer location).
44031 LD A,66 A=66 (attribute value).
44033 CALL Handler_Colour2x2 Call Handler_Colour2x2.
44036 LD A,(24130) A=24130.
44039 AND %00111111 Keep only bits 0-5.
44041 CP 15
44043 JR Z,44058 If so, jump to 44058.
44045 CP 47
44047 RET NZ
Handle printing the "alien" messaging.
44048 LD DE,44068 DE=BannerMessaging_Alien.
BannerMessaging_Print 44051 LD HL,4312 HL=4312 (screen location).
44054 CALL PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
44057 RET Return.
Handle printing the "base" messaging.
44058 LD DE,44063 DE=BannerMessaging_Base.
44061 JR BannerMessaging_Print Jump to BannerMessaging_Print.
BannerMessaging_Base 44063 DEFM "Ecde","f"+128 Attribute: 69 + "base".
BannerMessaging_Alien 44068 DEFM "Eghi","j"+128 Attribute: 69 + "alien".
44073 CALL 44299 Call 44299.
44076 LD HL,22653 HL=22653 (attribute buffer location).
44079 CALL Handler_Colour2x2 Call Handler_Colour2x2.
44082 LD HL,22651 HL=22651 (attribute buffer location).
44085 LD A,66 A=66 (attribute byte).
44087 JR 44033 Jump to 44033.
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