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670E: Colourise Open Flower
Used by the routine at 66A6.
ColouriseFlower 670E LD A,(IX+$01)
6711 SUB $20
6713 LD L,A
6714 LD A,(IX+$02)
6717 SUB $30
6719 LD H,A
671A CALL AttributeAddress
671D LD DE,$6748 DE=FlowerAttributes.
6720 LD BC,$0907 BC=0907.
ColouriseFlower_0 6723 PUSH BC
6724 PUSH HL
ColouriseFlower_1 6725 LD A,($5E37)
6728 AND A
6729 JR Z,ColouriseFlower_3
672B AND %00000011 Keep only bits 0-1.
672D JR NZ,ColouriseFlower_3
672F LD A,(DE)
ColouriseFlower_2 6730 LD (HL),A
6731 INC HL
6732 INC DE
6733 DJNZ ColouriseFlower_1
6735 POP HL
6736 LD BC,$0020
6739 ADD HL,BC
673B DEC C
673C JR NZ,ColouriseFlower_0
673E RET Return.
ColouriseFlower_3 673F LD A,(DE)
6740 CP $5E
6742 JR NZ,ColouriseFlower_2
6744 LD A,$5B
6746 JR ColouriseFlower_2
FlowerAttributes 6748 DEFB $44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44
6751 DEFB $44,$63,$63,$5E,$5E,$5E,$63,$63,$44
675A DEFB $44,$63,$63,$5E,$5E,$5E,$63,$63,$44
6763 DEFB $44,$63,$5E,$5E,$5E,$5E,$5E,$63,$44
676C DEFB $44,$63,$63,$63,$5E,$5E,$63,$63,$44
6775 DEFB $44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44
677E DEFB $44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44,$44
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