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AE8F: Handler: Yellow Orchid
Used by the routine at GamePlay_Start.
Fetch Sabremans current sprite frame.
HandlerYellowOrchid AE8F LD A,(IX+$00) A=IX+00 (sprite reference).
This will leave either 00 or 04
AE92 AND %00000100 Keep only bit 2.
Add on 43.
AE94 OR %01000011 Set bits 0-1, 6.
The resulting sprite frame will be either "Sabreman: Sitting Left" or "Sabreman: Sitting Right".
AE96 LD (IX+$00),A Write the result back to IX+00 (sprite reference).
AE99 LD A,$60 Write 60 to OrchidEffectTimer.
AE9B LD ($96B0),A
AE9E JP HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp_0 Jump to HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp_0.
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