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A61B: Handler: Stand Up (After Yellow Orchid)
HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp A61B CALL StoreEntity Call StoreEntity.
This entry point is used by the routine at HandlerYellowOrchid.
HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp_0 A61E CALL HandlerOrchidTimer Call HandlerOrchidTimer.
A621 JR NZ,HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp_Skip Jump to HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp_Skip if the orchid counter is not yet zero.
A623 LD A,(IX+$00) A=IX+00 (sprite reference).
Number between 00-07.
A626 AND %00000111 Keep only bits 0-2.
Add 16.
A628 OR %00010000 Set bit 4.
Sprite ID Sprite Name Sprite Address
16 "Sabreman: Right Frame 3" C77A
17 "Sabreman: Right Frame 4" C74C
18 "Sabreman: Up Frame 1" C40C
19 "Sabreman: Up Frame 2" C438
1A "Sabreman: Up Frame 3" C464
1B "Sabreman: Up Frame 4" C438
1C "Sabreman: Down Frame 1" C490
A62A LD (IX+$00),A Write the result to IX+00 (sprite reference).
HandlerYellowOrchid_StandUp_Skip A62D JP GamePlay_Start_5 Jump to GamePlay_Start_5.
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