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BF84: Sprites Table
SpritesTable BF84 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 00 "None".
BF86 DEFW $D822 Sprite ID: 01 "Appearing: Frame 1".
BF88 DEFW $D84E Sprite ID: 02 "Appearing: Frame 2".
BF8A DEFW $D889 Sprite ID: 03 "Appearing: Frame 3".
BF8C DEFW $D8D0 Sprite ID: 04 "Appearing: Frame 4".
BF8E DEFW $D917 Sprite ID: 05 "Appearing: Frame 5".
BF90 DEFW $D95E Sprite ID: 06 "Appearing: Frame 6".
BF92 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 07 "None".
BF94 DEFW $D747 Sprite ID: 08 "Disappearing: Frame 2".
BF96 DEFW $D78E Sprite ID: 09 "Disappearing: Frame 3".
BF98 DEFW $D7D8 Sprite ID: 0A "Disappearing: Frame 4".
BF9A DEFW $D78E Sprite ID: 0B "Disappearing: Frame 3".
BF9C DEFW $D747 Sprite ID: 0C "Disappearing: Frame 2".
BF9E DEFW $D706 Sprite ID: 0D "Disappearing: Frame 1".
BFA0 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 0E "None".
BFA2 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 0F "None".
BFA4 DEFW $C514 Sprite ID: 10 "Sabreman: Left Frame 1".
BFA6 DEFW $C540 Sprite ID: 11 "Sabreman: Left Frame 2".
BFA8 DEFW $C56E Sprite ID: 12 "Sabreman: Left Frame 3".
BFAA DEFW $C540 Sprite ID: 13 "Sabreman: Left Frame 4".
BFAC DEFW $C720 Sprite ID: 14 "Sabreman: Right Frame 1".
BFAE DEFW $C74C Sprite ID: 15 "Sabreman: Right Frame 2".
BFB0 DEFW $C77A Sprite ID: 16 "Sabreman: Right Frame 3".
BFB2 DEFW $C74C Sprite ID: 17 "Sabreman: Right Frame 4".
BFB4 DEFW $C40C Sprite ID: 18 "Sabreman: Up Frame 1".
BFB6 DEFW $C438 Sprite ID: 19 "Sabreman: Up Frame 2".
BFB8 DEFW $C464 Sprite ID: 1A "Sabreman: Up Frame 3".
BFBA DEFW $C438 Sprite ID: 1B "Sabreman: Up Frame 4".
BFBC DEFW $C490 Sprite ID: 1C "Sabreman: Down Frame 1".
BFBE DEFW $C4BC Sprite ID: 1D "Sabreman: Down Frame 2".
BFC0 DEFW $C4E8 Sprite ID: 1E "Sabreman: Down Frame 3".
BFC2 DEFW $C4BC Sprite ID: 1F "Sabreman: Down Frame 4".
BFC4 DEFW $C59A Sprite ID: 20 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 1".
BFC6 DEFW $C5DB Sprite ID: 21 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 2".
BFC8 DEFW $C61C Sprite ID: 22 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 3".
BFCA DEFW $C65D Sprite ID: 23 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 4".
BFCC DEFW $C69E Sprite ID: 24 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 5".
BFCE DEFW $C65D Sprite ID: 25 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 4".
BFD0 DEFW $C6DF Sprite ID: 26 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 6".
BFD2 DEFW $C5DB Sprite ID: 27 "Sabreman: Left Fighting Frame 2".
BFD4 DEFW $C7A6 Sprite ID: 28 "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 1".
BFD6 DEFW $C7E7 Sprite ID: 29 "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 2".
BFD8 DEFW $C828 Sprite ID: 2A "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 3".
BFDA DEFW $C869 Sprite ID: 2B "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 4".
BFDC DEFW $C8AA Sprite ID: 2C "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 5".
BFDE DEFW $C869 Sprite ID: 2D "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 4".
BFE0 DEFW $C8EB Sprite ID: 2E "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 6".
BFE2 DEFW $C7E7 Sprite ID: 2F "Sabreman: Right Fighting Frame 2".
BFE4 DEFW $C97A Sprite ID: 30 "Rhino: Left Frame 2".
BFE6 DEFW $C92C Sprite ID: 31 "Rhino: Left Frame 1".
BFE8 DEFW $CA16 Sprite ID: 32 "Rhino: Right Frame 2".
BFEA DEFW $C9C8 Sprite ID: 33 "Rhino: Right Frame 1".
BFEC DEFW $E8FC Sprite ID: 34 "Fire: Frame 1".
BFEE DEFW $E92A Sprite ID: 35 "Fire: Frame 2".
BFF0 DEFW $E958 Sprite ID: 36 "Fire: Frame 3".
BFF2 DEFW $E988 Sprite ID: 37 "Fire: Frame 4".
BFF4 DEFW $CBDE Sprite ID: 38 "Tribesman: Left Frame 1".
BFF6 DEFW $CC0E Sprite ID: 39 "Tribesman: Left Frame 2".
BFF8 DEFW $CC3E Sprite ID: 3A "Tribesman: Left Frame 3".
BFFA DEFW $CC0E Sprite ID: 3B "Tribesman: Left Frame 2".
BFFC DEFW $CC6E Sprite ID: 3C "Tribesman: Left Frame 4".
BFFE DEFW $CC9E Sprite ID: 3D "Tribesman: Right Frame 1".
C000 DEFW $CCCE Sprite ID: 3E "Tribesman: Right Frame 2".
C002 DEFW $CC9E Sprite ID: 3F "Tribesman: Right Frame 1".
C004 DEFW $D282 Sprite ID: 40 "Sabreman: Flying Left".
C006 DEFW $D2B0 Sprite ID: 41 "Sabreman: Sitting Left".
C008 DEFW $D2D6 Sprite ID: 42 "Sabreman: Dead Left".
C00A DEFW $D2B0 Sprite ID: 43 "Sabreman: Sitting Left".
C00C DEFW $D2FC Sprite ID: 44 "Sabreman: Flying Right".
C00E DEFW $D32A Sprite ID: 45 "Sabreman: Sitting Right".
C010 DEFW $D350 Sprite ID: 46 "Sabreman: Dead Right".
C012 DEFW $D32A Sprite ID: 47 "Sabreman: Sitting Right".
C014 DEFW $D376 Sprite ID: 48 "Orchid: Frame 1".
C016 DEFW $D37E Sprite ID: 49 "Orchid: Frame 2".
C018 DEFW $D386 Sprite ID: 4A "Orchid: Frame 3".
C01A DEFW $D392 Sprite ID: 4B "Orchid: Frame 4".
C01C DEFW $D3A0 Sprite ID: 4C "Orchid: Frame 5".
C01E DEFW $D3B2 Sprite ID: 4D "Orchid: Frame 6".
C020 DEFW $D3CA Sprite ID: 4E "Orchid: Frame 7".
C022 DEFW $D3E6 Sprite ID: 4F "Orchid: Frame 8".
C024 DEFW $CF06 Sprite ID: 50 "Wulf: Left Frame 1".
C026 DEFW $CF64 Sprite ID: 51 "Wulf: Left Frame 2".
C028 DEFW $CFC2 Sprite ID: 52 "Wulf: Left Frame 3".
C02A DEFW $CF64 Sprite ID: 53 "Wulf: Left Frame 2".
C02C DEFW $D020 Sprite ID: 54 "Wulf: Right Frame 1".
C02E DEFW $D07E Sprite ID: 55 "Wulf: Right Frame 2".
C030 DEFW $D0DC Sprite ID: 56 "Wulf: Right Frame 3".
C032 DEFW $D07E Sprite ID: 57 "Wulf: Right Frame 2".
C034 DEFW $D13A Sprite ID: 58 "Wulf: Pounce Left Frame 1".
C036 DEFW $D1BE Sprite ID: 59 "Wulf: Pounce Left Frame 2".
C038 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 5A "None".
C03A DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 5B "None".
C03C DEFW $D17C Sprite ID: 5C "Wulf: Pounce Right Frame 1".
C03E DEFW $D220 Sprite ID: 5D "Wulf: Pounce Right Frame 2".
C040 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 5E "None".
C042 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 5F "None".
C044 DEFW $CCFE Sprite ID: 60 "Spider: Left Frame 1".
C046 DEFW $CD3F Sprite ID: 61 "Spider: Left Frame 2".
C048 DEFW $CD83 Sprite ID: 62 "Spider: Right Frame 1".
C04A DEFW $CDC4 Sprite ID: 63 "Spider: Right Frame 2".
C04C DEFW $CE08 Sprite ID: 64 "Scorpion: Left Frame 1".
C04E DEFW $CE49 Sprite ID: 65 "Scorpion: Left Frame 2".
C050 DEFW $CE87 Sprite ID: 66 "Scorpion: Right Frame 1".
C052 DEFW $CEC8 Sprite ID: 67 "Scorpion: Right Frame 2".
C054 DEFW $C38C Sprite ID: 68 "Bat: Left Frame 1".
C056 DEFW $C3B0 Sprite ID: 69 "Bat: Left Frame 2".
C058 DEFW $C3CC Sprite ID: 6A "Bat: Right Frame 1".
C05A DEFW $C3F0 Sprite ID: 6B "Bat: Right Frame 2".
C05C DEFW $D418 Sprite ID: 6C "Parrot: Left Frame 1".
C05E DEFW $D440 Sprite ID: 6D "Parrot: Left Frame 2".
C060 DEFW $D468 Sprite ID: 6E "Parrot: Right Frame 1".
C062 DEFW $D490 Sprite ID: 6F "Parrot: Right Frame 2".
C064 DEFW $D4B8 Sprite ID: 70 "Monkey: Left Frame 1".
C066 DEFW $D4E4 Sprite ID: 71 "Monkey: Left Frame 2".
C068 DEFW $D50E Sprite ID: 72 "Monkey: Right Frame 1".
C06A DEFW $D53A Sprite ID: 73 "Monkey: Right Frame 2".
C06C DEFW $D564 Sprite ID: 74 "Lizard: Left Frame 1".
C06E DEFW $D58D Sprite ID: 75 "Lizard: Left Frame 2".
C070 DEFW $D5B9 Sprite ID: 76 "Lizard: Right Frame 1".
C072 DEFW $D5E5 Sprite ID: 77 "Lizard: Right Frame 2".
C074 DEFW $D60E Sprite ID: 78 "Snake: Left Frame 1".
C076 DEFW $D637 Sprite ID: 79 "Snake: Left Frame 2".
C078 DEFW $D65A Sprite ID: 7A "Snake: Right Frame 1".
C07A DEFW $D67D Sprite ID: 7B "Snake: Right Frame 2".
C07C DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 7C "None".
C07E DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 7D "None".
C080 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 7E "None".
C082 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 7F "None".
C084 DEFW $D999 Sprite ID: 80 "Crate".
C086 DEFW $D9BB Sprite ID: 81 "Ring".
C088 DEFW $D9DD Sprite ID: 82 "Fruit".
C08A DEFW $D9FF Sprite ID: 83 "Hat".
C08C DEFW $DA21 Sprite ID: 84 "Shield".
C08E DEFW $DA43 Sprite ID: 85 "Life".
C090 DEFW $DA65 Sprite ID: 86 "Money Bag".
C092 DEFW $DA87 Sprite ID: 87 "Sword".
C094 DEFW $D999 Sprite ID: 88 "Crate".
C096 DEFW $D9BB Sprite ID: 89 "Ring".
C098 DEFW $D9DD Sprite ID: 8A "Fruit".
C09A DEFW $D9FF Sprite ID: 8B "Hat".
C09C DEFW $DA21 Sprite ID: 8C "Shield".
C09E DEFW $DA21 Sprite ID: 8D "Shield".
C0A0 DEFW $DA65 Sprite ID: 8E "Money Bag".
C0A2 DEFW $DA87 Sprite ID: 8F "Sword".
C0A4 DEFW $E7D6 Sprite ID: 90 "Amulet: Bottom Right".
C0A6 DEFW $E7B4 Sprite ID: 91 "Amulet: Bottom Left".
C0A8 DEFW $E792 Sprite ID: 92 "Amulet: Top Right".
C0AA DEFW $E770 Sprite ID: 93 "Amulet: Top Left".
C0AC DEFW $E7F8 Sprite ID: 94 "The Guardian: Frame 1".
C0AE DEFW $E87A Sprite ID: 95 "The Guardian: Frame 2".
C0B0 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 96 "None".
C0B2 DEFW $C10C Sprite ID: 97 "None".
C0B4 DEFW $E9B8 Sprite ID: 98 "Rat: Left Frame 1".
C0B6 DEFW $E9D5 Sprite ID: 99 "Rat: Left Frame 2".
C0B8 DEFW $E9F2 Sprite ID: 9A "Rat: Right Frame 1".
C0BA DEFW $EA0F Sprite ID: 9B "Rat: Right Frame 2".
C0BC DEFW $EA2C Sprite ID: 9C "Bird: Left Frame 1".
C0BE DEFW $EA64 Sprite ID: 9D "Bird: Left Frame 2".
C0C0 DEFW $EAA8 Sprite ID: 9E "Bird: Right Frame 1".
C0C2 DEFW $EAE0 Sprite ID: 9F "Bird: Right Frame 2".
C0C4 DEFW $CAAE Sprite ID: A0 "Hippo: Left Frame 1".
C0C6 DEFW $CAF8 Sprite ID: A1 "Hippo: Left Frame 2".
C0C8 DEFW $CB46 Sprite ID: A2 "Hippo: Right Frame 1".
C0CA DEFW $CB90 Sprite ID: A3 "Hippo: Right Frame 2".
C0CC DEFW $CA64 Sprite ID: A4 "Hippo: Sleeping".
C0CE DEFW $CA64 Sprite ID: A5 "Hippo: Sleeping".
C0D0 DEFW $CA64 Sprite ID: A6 "Hippo: Sleeping".
C0D2 DEFW $CA64 Sprite ID: A7 "Hippo: Sleeping".
C0D4 DEFW $DB4C Sprite ID: A8 "Warthog: Left Frame 1".
C0D6 DEFW $DC22 Sprite ID: A9 "Warthog: Left Frame 2".
C0D8 DEFW $DB92 Sprite ID: AA "Warthog: Right Frame 1".
C0DA DEFW $DBDC Sprite ID: AB "Warthog: Right Frame 2".
C0DC DEFW $DB0B Sprite ID: AC "Warthog: Sleeping".
C0DE DEFW $DB0B Sprite ID: AD "Warthog: Sleeping".
C0E0 DEFW $DB0B Sprite ID: AE "Warthog: Sleeping".
C0E2 DEFW $DB0B Sprite ID: AF "Warthog: Sleeping".
C0E4 DEFW $EBA4 Sprite ID: B0 "Frog: Left Frame 1".
C0E6 DEFW $EBCA Sprite ID: B1 "Frog: Left Frame 2".
C0E8 DEFW $EBEA Sprite ID: B2 "Frog: Right Frame 1".
C0EA DEFW $EC10 Sprite ID: B3 "Frog: Right Frame 2".
C0EC DEFW $EB24 Sprite ID: B4 "Mosquito: Left Frame 1".
C0EE DEFW $EB46 Sprite ID: B5 "Mosquito: Left Frame 2".
C0F0 DEFW $EB64 Sprite ID: B6 "Mosquito: Right Frame 1".
C0F2 DEFW $EB86 Sprite ID: B7 "Mosquito: Right Frame 2".
C0F4 DEFW $C270 Sprite ID: B8 "Skunk: Left Frame 1".
C0F6 DEFW $C2B1 Sprite ID: B9 "Skunk: Left Frame 2".
C0F8 DEFW $C2F2 Sprite ID: BA "Skunk: Right Frame 1".
C0FA DEFW $C333 Sprite ID: BB "Skunk: Right Frame 2".
C0FC DEFW $C1E8 Sprite ID: BC "Flea: Left Frame 1".
C0FE DEFW $C206 Sprite ID: BD "Flea: Left Frame 2".
C100 DEFW $C22C Sprite ID: BE "Flea: Right Frame 1".
C102 DEFW $C24A Sprite ID: BF "Flea: Right Frame 2".
C104 DEFW $C10E Sprite ID: C0 "Earwig: Left Frame 1".
C106 DEFW $C146 Sprite ID: C1 "Earwig: Left Frame 2".
C108 DEFW $C17B Sprite ID: C2 "Earwig: Right Frame 1".
C10A DEFW $C1B3 Sprite ID: C3 "Earwig: Right Frame 2" .
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