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47941: Routine at BB45
Used by the routine at 42624.
AttrDrawUnchanged 47941 PUSH BC Stash BC and HL on the stack.
47942 PUSH HL
AttrDrawUnchanged_0 47943 LD A,(HL)
47944 AND %00111000 Keep only bits 3-5.
47946 JR NZ,AttrDrawUnchanged_1
47948 LD (HL),D
AttrDrawUnchanged_1 47949 INC L
47950 DJNZ AttrDrawUnchanged_0
47952 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
47953 LD BC,32 BC=0032.
47956 AND A
47957 SBC HL,BC
47959 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
47960 DEC C Decrease C by one.
47961 JR NZ,AttrDrawUnchanged Jump to AttrDrawUnchanged unless C is zero.
47963 RET Return.
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