Prev: 25943 Up: Map Next: 26033
25992: Routine at 6588
Used by the routine at 27291.
25992 LD HL,(24116) HL=PlayerWorldPosition.
25995 LD A,(24069) A=PlayerMapPosition.
25998 CPL
25999 LD E,A
26000 LD A,(24072) A=24072.
26003 LD D,A
26004 AND A
26005 PUSH HL Stash HL on the stack.
26006 SBC HL,DE
26008 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
26009 RET Z
26010 PUSH DE Stash DE on the stack.
26011 LD IX,26109 IX=TerrainDots.
26015 LD B,16 B=16.
26017 PUSH BC Stash BC on the stack.
26018 CALL 26033 Call 26033.
26021 INC IX
26023 INC IX
26025 POP BC Restore BC from the stack.
26026 DJNZ 26017
26028 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
26029 LD (24116),HL Write HL to PlayerWorldPosition.
26032 RET Return.
Prev: 25943 Up: Map Next: 26033