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27291: Routine at 6A9B
27291 PUSH IX Stash IX on the stack.
27293 LD A,255 Write 255 to CurrentPlaceID.
27295 LD (24121),A
27298 CALL DrawObjects Call DrawObjects.
27301 CALL HandlerObjects Call HandlerObjects.
27304 CALL 27922 Call 27922.
27307 CALL 25943 Call 25943.
27310 CALL 25180 Call 25180.
27313 CALL 25992 Call 25992.
27316 CALL SoundsCupRefuel Call SoundsCupRefuel.
27319 POP IX Restore IX from the stack.
Draw and colourize the player sprite.
27321 CALL DrawPlayer Call DrawPlayer.
27324 LD HL,22931 HL=22931 (attribute buffer location).
27327 LD BC,514 BC=0514 (height * width in bytes).
Merge the player sprite colour in with the current background colour.
27330 LD A,(24132) A=Background_Attribute.
27333 OR %00000010 Set bit 1 (RED).
27335 LD D,A Store the result in D.
27336 CALL ColouriseSprite_1 Call ColouriseSprite_1.
Handles updating the dashboard values.
27339 CALL HandlerTime Call HandlerTime.
27342 CALL DisplayMiles Call DisplayMiles.
27345 LD A,(24121) A=CurrentPlaceID.
27348 AND A Return if A is zero.
27349 RET Z
27350 INC A Increment A by one.
27351 RET NZ Return if A if anything other than zero (see 27293; 255 + 1 = 0).
27352 LD (24121),A Write A to CurrentPlaceID.
27355 LD HL,47208 HL=47208.
27358 LD DE,27364 DE=Blank_Text_Attribute.
27361 JP PrintStringColour Call PrintStringColour.
Spacing "text" used for overwriting messaging.
Blank_Text_Attribute 27364 DEFM 118 Contains 15 spaces (118 is the attribute).
Blank_Text 27365 DEFM " "," "+128
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