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8C54: Game Settings
Used by the routine at Game_Over.
The main settings page, used for directing to the controls for P1/ P2 and turning the sound on or off.
Game_Configs_Main 8C54 CALL Clear_Screen Call Clear_Screen.
8C57 LD DE,$8E6B Point to Text_P1_Controls and call Print_String.
8C5A LD HL,$002D
8C5D CALL Print_String
8C60 LD DE,$8E8C Point to Text_P2_Controls and call Print_String.
8C63 LD HL,$1436
8C66 CALL Print_String
8C69 LD DE,$8E99 Point to Text_Sound_On and call Print_String.
8C6C LD HL,$143F
8C6F CALL Print_String
8C72 LD DE,$8EA6 Point to Text_Sound_Off and call Print_String.
8C75 LD HL,$1448
8C78 CALL Print_String
8C7B LD DE,$8EB3 Point to Text_Type_1 and call Print_String.
8C7E LD HL,$055C
8C81 CALL Print_String
8C84 LD DE,$8EC6 Point to Text_Exit and call Print_String.
8C87 LD HL,$0765
8C8A CALL Print_String
Does the user want to change Player 1 input method?
Game_Configs_P1 8C8D LD A,$24 Check if "1" key is pressed.
8C8F CALL Keyboard_Test
8C92 JP C,Game_Configs_P2 No keys were pressed, continue on to Game_Configs_P2.
8C95 LD HL,$8BD2 Write Player_1_Controls to Temp_Player.
8C98 LD ($8E69),HL
8C9B JP Game_Configs_Controls Jump to Game_Configs_Controls.
Does the user want to change Player 2 input method?
Game_Configs_P2 8C9E LD A,$1C Check if "2" key is pressed.
8CA0 CALL Keyboard_Test
8CA3 JP C,Game_Configs_Exit No keys were pressed, continue on to Game_Configs_Exit.
8CA6 LD HL,$8BE6 Write Player_2_Controls to Temp_Player.
8CA9 LD ($8E69),HL
8CAC JP Game_Configs_Controls Jump to Game_Configs_Controls.
Does the user want to exit this config screen and go back to the demo mode?
Game_Configs_Exit 8CAF LD A,$15 Check if "E" key is pressed.
8CB1 CALL Keyboard_Test
8CB4 JP NC,Game_Configs_Return Jump to Game_Configs_Return (just returns).
Does the user want to toggle the sound flag to be "ON".
Game_Configs_Sound_On 8CB7 LD A,$14 Check if "3" key is pressed.
8CB9 CALL Keyboard_Test
8CBC JP C,Game_Configs_Sound_Off No keys were pressed, continue on to Game_Configs_Sound_Off.
8CBF LD A,$01 Write 01 to Flag_Sound.
8CC1 LD ($B2FA),A
8CC4 JP Game_Configs_Return Jump to Game_Configs_Return (just returns).
Does the user want to toggle the sound flag to be "OFF".
Game_Configs_Sound_Off 8CC7 LD A,$0C Check if "4" key is pressed.
8CC9 CALL Keyboard_Test
8CCC JP C,Game_Configs_End No keys were pressed, continue on to Game_Configs_End.
8CCF LD A,$00 Write 00 to Flag_Sound.
8CD1 LD ($B2FA),A
8CD4 JP Game_Configs_Return Jump to Game_Configs_Return (just returns).
Game_Configs_End 8CD7 JP Game_Configs_P1 Loop back round to Game_Configs_P1.
This entry point is used by the routines at Game_Configs_Controls and Game_Configs_Keys.
Game_Configs_Return 8CDA RET Return.
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