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9C53: Read Key Input
Used by the routines at Game_Configs_Main, Game_Configs_Controls and Game_Over.
Annotated by Stephen Jones; Spectrum Discovery Club.
Keyboard_Test 9C53 LD C,A Key to test in C.
9C54 AND $07 Mask bits d0-d2 for row.
9C56 INC A In range 1-8.
9C57 LD B,A Place in B.
9C58 SRL C Divide C by 08 to find position within row.
9C5E LD A,$05 Only 05 keys per row.
9C60 SUB C Subtract position.
9C61 LD C,A Put into C.
9C62 LD A,$FE High byte of port to read.
Keyboard_Find_Row 9C64 RRCA Rotate into position.
9C65 DJNZ Keyboard_Find_Row Repeat until we've found the relevant row.
9C67 IN A,($FE) Read port (A=high, 254=low).
Keyboard_Rotate_Loop 9C69 RRA Rotate bit out of result.
9C6A DEC C Loop counter.
9C6B JR NZ,Keyboard_Rotate_Loop Repeat until bit for position in carry flag.
9C6D RET Return.
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