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9C2E: Game Entry Point
Used by the routine at 8800.
Game_Start 9C2E DI Disable interrupts.
9C2F LD A,$05 Set border colour to cyan.
Value Ink Paper Bright
05 05 00 00
9C31 OUT ($FE),A
9C33 LD HL,$5BFF Set the stack pointer to 5BFF.
9C37 CALL Game_Init Call Game_Init.
9C3A LD DE,$5F00 Copies a large chunk of code from 6000 to 5F00. See the .t2s file.
9C3D LD HL,$6000
9C40 LD BC,$2100
9C45 LD A,$00 Write 0000 to;
9C47 LD L,A
9C48 LD H,$00
9C4A LD ($C423),HL
9C4D LD ($C425),HL
9C50 JP Main_Game Jump to Main_Game.
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