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AC05: Main Game Loop
Used by the routine at Game_Start.
Main_Game AC05 XOR A Writes 00 to Num_Players - this signifies we're in "demo mode".
AC06 LD ($9C2C),A
Main_Game_Loop AC09 LD HL,$0022 Point to Text_Whitespace_9 and call Print_String.
AC0C LD DE,$B060
AC0F CALL Print_String
AC12 LD HL,$0019 Point to Text_Whitespace_9 and call Print_String.
AC15 LD DE,$B060
AC18 CALL Print_String
AC1B LD HL,$0222 Point to Text_Demo and call Print_String.
AC1E LD DE,$B039
AC21 CALL Print_String
AC24 CALL Demo_Mode Call Demo_Mode.
AC27 LD A,($9C2C) If Num_Players is still zero, loop back round to Main_Game_Loop.
AC2B JR Z,Main_Game_Loop
AC2D CP $01 If Num_Players is 01 then jump to Start_1UP_Game.
AC2F JR Z,Main_Game_Start_1UP
AC31 CALL Start_2UP_Game Else, call Start_2UP_Game.
AC34 JR Main_Game_Loop Loop back round to Main_Game_Loop.
Main_Game_Start_1UP AC36 CALL Start_1UP_Game Call Start_1UP_Game.
AC39 CALL Check_HighScore Call Check_HighScore.
AC3C JR Main_Game_Loop Loop back round to Main_Game_Loop.
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