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37072: Intro Music
37072 DEFB 29
This entry point is used by the routine at Start_1UP_Game.
Intro_Music 37073 DI Disable interrupts.
37074 LD A,(45818) If Flag_Sound is zero then return.
37077 AND A
37078 RET Z
37079 LD A,(37072) 37072.
37082 AND 31 Check bits 0-4.
37084 LD H,A
37085 AND 7
37087 LD L,A
37088 LD IX,37160 IX=Intro_Music_Data
Intro_Music_Loop 37092 LD C,(IX+0) C=the next note byte from IX+0.
37095 XOR A If the current note is 0 then return.
37096 OR C
37097 RET Z
37098 INC IX Move the index onto the next note.
37100 LD B,(IX+0) B=the next note byte from IX+0.
37103 INC IX Move the index onto the next note.
37105 LD E,(IX+0) E=the next note byte from IX+0.
37108 INC IX Move the index onto the next note.
37110 LD D,(IX+0) D=the next note byte from IX+0.
37113 INC IX Move the index onto the next note.
37115 LD A,B
37116 AND A
37117 JR NZ,Intro_Music_Play
37119 INC A
37120 CP C
37121 JR NZ,Intro_Music_Play
37123 LD BC,2804
Intro_Music_Delay_1 37126 DEC BC
37127 LD A,B
37128 OR C
37129 JR NZ,Intro_Music_Delay_1
37131 JR Intro_Music_Loop Loop back to Intro_Music_Loop.
Process the note data and create the sounds.
Intro_Music_Play 37133 PUSH BC
37134 LD A,H
37135 OUT (254),A
Intro_Music_Delay_2 37137 DEC BC
37138 LD A,B
37139 OR C
37140 JR NZ,Intro_Music_Delay_2
37142 LD A,L
37143 OUT (254),A
37145 POP BC
37146 PUSH BC
Intro_Music_Delay_3 37147 DEC BC
37148 LD A,B
37149 OR C
37150 JR NZ,Intro_Music_Delay_3
37152 POP BC
37153 DEC DE
37154 LD A,D
37155 OR E
37156 JR NZ,Intro_Music_Play
37158 JR Intro_Music_Loop
Intro_Music_Data 37160 DEFB 109,0,140,0
37164 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37168 DEFB 109,0,140,0
37172 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37176 DEFB 129,0,118,0
37180 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37184 DEFB 129,0,118,0
37188 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37192 DEFB 144,0,105,0
37196 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37200 DEFB 144,0,105,0
37204 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37208 DEFB 129,0,118,0
37212 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37216 DEFB 129,0,118,0
37220 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37224 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37228 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37232 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37236 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37240 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37244 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37248 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37252 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37256 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37260 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37264 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37268 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37272 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37276 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37280 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37284 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37288 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37292 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37296 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37300 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37304 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37308 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37312 DEFB 109,0,38,0
37316 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37320 DEFB 109,0,37,1
37324 DEFB 1,0,0,0
37328 DEFB 0,31,1,0
37332 DEFB 0,0,0,0
37336 DEFB 0,255,240,0
37340 DEFB 0,0,0,0
37344 DEFB 0,255,0,1
37348 DEFB 3,6,13,27
37352 DEFB 0,0,0,182
37356 DEFB 109,219,182,109
37360 DEFB 219,54,0,192
37364 DEFB 182,109,219,182
37368 DEFB 109,219,1,0
37372 DEFB 216,182,109,219
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