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37376: Routine at 9200
Used by the routines at Demo_Mode and Start_1UP_Game.
37376 LD (24320),A Write A to Background_Reference.
37379 CALL Change_Background Call Change_Background.
37382 LD A,72 Call Screen_Calc using 72. On return HL=18464.
37384 CALL Screen_Calc
37387 LD B,64 Set a counter of 64.
37389 LD DE,32768 DE=Shadow_Buffer.
37392 PUSH HL Push HL onto the stack.
37393 PUSH DE Push DE onto the stack.
This entry point is used by the routine at 45819.
37394 PUSH BC Push BC onto the stack.
37395 LD BC,32 Copy 32 bytes of data from HL to DE.
37398 LDIR
37400 POP BC Restore BC, DE and HL from the stack.
37401 POP DE
37402 POP HL
37403 CALL 37417 Call 37417.
37406 PUSH BC Stash the counter on the stack.
37407 LD BC,32 BC=0032.
37410 EX DE,HL DE+=BC.
37411 ADD HL,BC
37412 EX DE,HL
37413 POP BC Restore the counter from the stack.
37414 DJNZ 37392 Decrease counter by one and loop back to 37392 until counter is zero.
37416 RET Return.
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