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44037: Main Game Loop
Used by the routine at Game_Start.
Main_Game 44037 XOR A Writes 0 to Num_Players - this signifies we're in "demo mode".
44038 LD (39980),A
Main_Game_Loop 44041 LD HL,34 Point to Text_Whitespace_9 and call Print_String.
44044 LD DE,45152
44047 CALL Print_String
44050 LD HL,25 Point to Text_Whitespace_9 and call Print_String.
44053 LD DE,45152
44056 CALL Print_String
44059 LD HL,546 Point to Text_Demo and call Print_String.
44062 LD DE,45113
44065 CALL Print_String
44068 CALL Demo_Mode Call Demo_Mode.
44071 LD A,(39980) If Num_Players is still zero, loop back round to Main_Game_Loop.
44074 AND A
44075 JR Z,Main_Game_Loop
44077 CP 1 If Num_Players is 1 then jump to Start_1UP_Game.
44079 JR Z,Main_Game_Start_1UP
44081 CALL Start_2UP_Game Else, call Start_2UP_Game.
44084 JR Main_Game_Loop Loop back round to Main_Game_Loop.
Main_Game_Start_1UP 44086 CALL Start_1UP_Game Call Start_1UP_Game.
44089 CALL Check_HighScore Call Check_HighScore.
44092 JR Main_Game_Loop Loop back round to Main_Game_Loop.
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