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50865: Duel: Gain Extra Life
Used by the routine at Duel_Complete.
Duel_Flash_Text 50865 LD B,8 Alternates displaying Playfield_Whitespace and Playfield_Lives to "flash" the lives indicator.
Duel_Flash_Text_Loop 50867 PUSH BC
50868 LD HL,50779
50871 CALL Duel_Print_Lives
50874 LD B,16
Duel_Flash_Halt_Loop_01 50876 HALT
50877 DJNZ Duel_Flash_Halt_Loop_01
50879 LD HL,50773
50882 CALL Duel_Print_Lives
50885 LD B,16
Duel_Flash_Halt_Loop_02 50887 HALT
50888 DJNZ Duel_Flash_Halt_Loop_02
50890 POP BC
50891 DJNZ Duel_Flash_Text_Loop
50893 LD HL,(23430) Increase the lives counter by one (Lives).
50896 INC (HL)
50897 SCF Sets the carry flag and returns.
50898 RET
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