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E84D: Routine at E84D
Used by the routine at 72C3.
E84D LD ($783E),HL Write HL to *783E.
E850 LD A,($7852) A=*7852.
E853 AND A Jump to E85C if A is zero.
E854 JR Z,$E85C
E856 DEC A Decrease A by one.
E857 LD ($7852),A Write A to *7852.
E85A POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
E85B RET Return.
E85C LD A,($7828) Return if bit 4 of *7828 is zero.
E85F BIT 4,A
E861 RET Z
E862 LD A,$4B Write 4B to *7852.
E864 LD ($7852),A
E867 LD A,($783D) A=*783D.
E86A SUB $08 A-=08.
E86C LD ($783D),A Write A to *783D.
E86F POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
E870 RET Return.
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