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59469: Routine at E84D
Used by the routine at 29379.
59469 LD (30782),HL Write HL to *30782.
59472 LD A,(30802) A=*30802.
59475 AND A Jump to 59484 if A is zero.
59476 JR Z,59484
59478 DEC A Decrease A by one.
59479 LD (30802),A Write A to *30802.
59482 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
59483 RET Return.
59484 LD A,(30760) Return if bit 4 of *30760 is zero.
59487 BIT 4,A
59489 RET Z
59490 LD A,75 Write 75 to *30802.
59492 LD (30802),A
59495 LD A,(30781) A=*30781.
59498 SUB 8 A-=8.
59500 LD (30781),A Write A to *30781.
59503 POP HL Restore HL from the stack.
59504 RET Return.
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