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A804: Controller: Draw Room
Used by the routine at PrintStatusBar.
On a new game, the game starts with the room ID being 00 (which isn't a valid room ID; InitialiseGameStates). The reason is that it chooses between these two set up routines here (and corrects the starting room ID in UnpackAllRooms).
Controller_DrawRoom A804 LD A,($5BD3) Call UnpackAllRooms if *CurrentRoom is 00.
A807 CP $00
A80A CALL Z,UnpackAllRooms
Handle all other room IDs.
A80D POP AF Call UnpackRoom if *CurrentRoom was not equal to 00.
A80E CALL NZ,UnpackRoom
A811 CALL PopulateCurrentRoomBuffersAndReferences Call PopulateCurrentRoomBuffersAndReferences.
A814 JP DrawRoom Jump to DrawRoom.
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