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D92A: Goldfish Game: Animate Player
Used by the routine at GoldfishGame.
GoldfishGame_AnimatePlayer D92A LD IX,$DC0E IX=GoldfishGame_PlayerAttributes.
Move onto the next frame.
D92E LD A,(IX+$06) Retrieve the frame/ sprite ID from *GoldfishGame_PlayerSpriteID.
D931 ADD A,$02 Add 02 to the current frame/ sprite ID, as the player swimming graphic is made using 02 UDG characters.
D933 CP $30 If the frame/ sprite ID value is under 30 then jump to GoldfishGame_SetPlayerFrame (the last frame/ sprite ID is 2E).
D935 JR NZ,GoldfishGame_SetPlayerFrame
Reset the sprite ID back to the first frame/ sprite ID.
D937 LD A,$20 A=20 (base sprite ID).
GoldfishGame_SetPlayerFrame D939 LD (IX+$06),A Write the updated frame/ sprite ID back to *GoldfishGame_PlayerSpriteID.
D93C RET Return.
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